Current Issue Cover

吴柯1, 牛瑞卿1, 沈焕峰2, 凌峰3, 陈涛1(1.中国地质大学地球物理与空间信息学院,武汉 430074;2.武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,武汉 430079;3.中国科学院测量与地球物理研究所,武汉 430077)

摘 要
Sub-pixel mapping method based on ANN and super-resolution reconstructed model

WU Ke1, NIU Ruiqing1, SHEN Huanfeng2, LING Feng3, CHEN Tao1(1.Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074;2.School of Resource and Envuronmental Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079;3.Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430077)

Mixed pixels are always the case in remote sensed images, and how to analysis and explain mixed pixels is of importance in remote sensing applications. Sub-pixel mapping is a technique designed to obtain the spatial distribution of the classes inside the pixels with information of different endmembers to improve the accuracy of the classification. In this paper, a new BPMAP model is introduced by combination of the neural network and super-resolution reconstructed technology. The spatial distribution of the sub-pixel can be determined by establishing of observation model between the high-resolution and the low-resolution images after the neural network mapping; with restricted by Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) algorithm. The proposed model was tested on both simple synthetic image and ETM image in the three Gorges area. Results indicate that this method can mapping sub-pixel efficiently, and better performance was observed compared to that of the original ANN model.
