Current Issue Cover

张立平1,2, 张 红1, 王 超1, 张 波1, 杨 浩1,2(1.中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心,北京 100086;2.中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049)

摘 要
A Fast Method of Airport Detection in Large-scale SAR Image with High Resolution

ZHANG Liping1,2, ZHANG Hong1, WANG Chao1, ZHANG Bo1, YANG Hao1,2(1.Center for Earth Observation and Digital Earth Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100086;2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049)

At present, there has been many researches on airport detection, but most of them are about infrared or optical images, and the research about synthetic aperture radar(SAR)images are mostly focusing on small scale instances. Aiming at large-scale SAR image with high resolution, a new method was proposed based on the existing detection scheme. Firstly, pre-process is implemented on the image. Then suspicious regions of interesting(ROI)are extracted from the pre-process result. Finally, all ROIs are identified by using four features and binary decision tree. Experiments show that the method can satisfy the request of speed with high detection accuracy.
