Current Issue Cover

王培珍1, 毛雪芹1, 毛雪菲1, 高尚义2, 张代林3(1.安徽工业大学电气信息学院,马鞍山 243002;2.济南钢铁集团有限公司中厚板厂,济南 250101;3.安徽工业大学煤的洁净转化与综合利用安徽省重点实验室,马鞍山 243002)

摘 要
Coke micrograph segmentation based on mean shift and edge confidence

wangpeizhen1, maoxueqin1, maoxuefei1, gaoshangyi2, ZHANG Dailin3(1.School of Electrical Engineering & Information,Anhui University of Technology,Ma’anshan,Anhui 243002;2.Medium and heavy plate factory of Jigang Group Co, Ltd.,Jinan 250101;3.Anhui Key Laboratory of Coal clean conversion and utilization,Anhui university of technology,Ma’anshan 243002)

In view of characteristics for coke optical texture in micrograph, a segmentation algorithm,combining mean shift and edge confidence, is proposed. Firstly, the edge confidence of image pixels is calculated. With the edge confidence, the weighting function of mean shift algorithm is computed. The sampling points of feature space are weighted in order to improve the accuracy of detected modes. Secondly, coke optical texture is segmented preliminarily by iterating the weighted mean shift vector. Because that the number of clusters in initial segmentation is larger than that of the actual clusters, which may result in over-segmentation, combining conditions are set by the spatial distance and the average value of the edge confidence, which are used to combine regions of homogenous texture. The coke optical texture is finally segmented with the new combining conditions. Experimental results show that with the proposed algorithm the segmentation among different optical textures of coke is reasonable and effective, which offers a reliable foundation for the recognition of coke optical texture.
