Current Issue Cover

常晓夫, 张文生, 董维山(中国科学院自动化研究所复杂系统与智能科学重点实验室,北京 100190)

摘 要
Mixture of Gaussian background modeling method based on multi-category visual features

Chang Xiaofu, Zhang Wensheng, Dong Weishan(zhongguokexueyuanzidonghuayanjiusuo)

The mixture of Gaussian method (GMM) proposed by Stauffer et al and its improved versions achieve better performance and have been widely used in smart vision systems. Traditionally, GMM only uses a single color visual feature to model scenes, but it will fail when moving objects have the same color appearance with scenes’ color appearance.In addition, traditional GMM can’t effectively solve problems caused by lighting changes and especially lighting sudden changes. To overcome these weaknesses, in this paper, a new modeling method based on multi-category visual features (i.e. color, texture and edge) is proposed. Experiment results show that our new method solves the above problems effectively,which will be a baseline for high-level vision analysis.
