Current Issue Cover

杨巨峰, 史广顺, 王恺(南开大学信息技术科学学院,天津 300071)

摘 要
Recognition and analysis of online handwritten chemical formulas

yangjufeng, shiguangshun, wangkai(College of Information Technical Science,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071)

With the development of mobile devices, the pen-based input mode has provided the possibility to use and share chemical knowledge easily. As an application of ubiquitous computing, research on online handwritten chemical formulas becomes a hot area. In this paper, we conclude common relations between chemical symbols and segment a chemical formula after linking the broken strokes. Then a two-level classifier is used to recognize the isolated symbols and the formula is understood with some chemical rules. The experimental results show that our method is robust and feasible when used on Tablet PCs.
