Current Issue Cover

李跃, 王艳慧(首都师范大学三维信息获取与应用教育部重点实验室,北京 100048)

摘 要
SVG based representation and compression of spatial data in LBS

Li Yue, Wang Yanhui(Capital Normal University)

It is known that how to organize effectively geodata of mobile device in LBS(location based services)are organized ineffectively. So after the existing solutions are compared and extended in the paper, a new SVG(scalable vector graphic) based solution is provided to represent and compress spatial data. Then the key technologies in the fields of SVG data representation and compression are researched and resolved, in which the improved compression method combined simplified SVG representation and GZIP compression. The test result showed that SVG based method is appropriate to represent geodata in LBS, and the improved method to compress SVG based data is better than traditional method, in which the feasibility of the solution is validated.
