Current Issue Cover

韩坤芳1, 沈会良1, 程岳1(浙江大学信息与电子工程学系,杭州 310027)

摘 要
Denoising and hole-filling for binocular stereo reconstruction


The 3D models reconstructed from binocular stereo always have noticeable noise, and even contain holes. To deal with this issue, this paper presents a non-local (NL) method to denoise and hole-fill the original model on a regular vertex set. To improve computational efficiency, the proposed method uses a basic NL method and principal component analysis (PCA) based NL method to remove model noise in hole and non-hole regions, respectively. The filled holes are then processed by NL denoising to improve the consistency with the surrounding surfaces. The experimental results show that, when evaluated on different real objects with various sizes, the proposed method can reconstruct 3D models effectively and performs much better than previous methods.
