Current Issue Cover

韩科1, 吕培军1(北京医科大学口腔医学院,北京 100081)

摘 要
The Application of Computer Imaging in Dentistry


orphological analysis is very important in the diagnosis, the treatment planing and the evaluation of treatment in dentistry, Tremendous convenient have been provided by computer imaging technique to these analysis. The main applications include:oral-maxillofacial photograph handling, computerized radiograph (such as the Computed Tomograph, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radio Visa Graphs et.). Some specially collected images of the morphology and/or physiology of the craniomandibular system (such as the laser hologram, the traces of mandibular movement, the occlusal contacts et.)have also been handed with computers. In resent years, computer image techniques are widely applicated by means of CAD/CAM/CIA in the area of dentistry, VR technology are also being applicated in this area.
