Current Issue Cover

吴永东1, 马倾德1(中国科学院自动化所模式识别实验室,北京2728信箱 100080)

摘 要
Application of Multiscale Morphological filtering and Elastic Matiching on Quasar Spectrum Recognition


In this paper, a method about Quasar spectrum recognition is proposed. Firstly, on the signal with extreme points as its features, we introduce two important properties of multiscale morphological dilation (erosion). One is the monotone rate which is the basis of an adaptive scalar selection mechanism; the other is the monotone property which can be used to localize the features accurately by “Coarse to Fine”strategy. According to these properties, the spectrum is filtered by multiscale dilation and its features are recovered. Secondly, elastic matching is proposed to featur ever if ication and its physical meaning is pointed out. In fact, this method can be applied to other fields effectively.
