Current Issue Cover

李维1, 黄小虎1, 郑南宁1(西安交通大学人工智能与机器人研究所,西安 710049)

摘 要
Rendering Dynamic Scene based on Ambient Light Field and Diffuse Light Field


According to the fact that radiance may be superposed, the paper raise the idea of decomposing the light field into sub light field that do not change as scene changes, which extend the preponderance of light field rendering to dynamic scenes where coordinates and direction of object, light and view point in addition with the variation of light intensity can be modified freely. By exploiting the independence of diffuse light on viewing direction, the paper also proposes a four dimensional representation of diffuse light field. Considering the intrinsic relationship between diffuse reflections to different spot lights and between ambient light and diffuse light, all the diffuse light fields caused by different spot lights for an object can be recorded with a single diffuse light field generated by a pure color light with unit intensity, which decreases storage and preprocessing. Owing to their coherency of data structure, corresponding points of ambient light field, diffuse light field and depth field (used to compute shadow) are combined to 5 dimensional vectors that are more efficient to be compressed with vector quantization. The rendering algorithm given in this paper can accurately compute typical characteristics of dynamic scene as changes in surface color and shadow.
