Current Issue Cover

杨智勇1, 肖京1, 马颂德1(中国科学院自动化所模式识别实验室,北京 100080)

摘 要
视觉环境中的有层次、多尺度的关联在视知觉层次的映射表现为视觉对环境进行组合分析时的各种偏好,环境中最简单的关联是局部位置的取向关联,淇 对应的视觉偏好称为视觉位置序的取向序。在现象学领域,位置序和取向序用能量泛函显式表示。几种知觉组织实例是这一能量模型的最优解。包含了位置序和取向序的一般知觉组织线索,如封闭性、相似性、对称性等。这一理论为视觉清象和学习提供了一种方法。
Visual Position and Orientation Orders


In visual surroundings, the mapping from hierarchical and multiscalar relationships into visual perception is showed as the visual propensities in analyzing and organizing the surroundings. The simplest relationships are local position and orientation relationships, and their corresponding visual propensities are the visual position and orientation orders. At phenomenological level, position and orientation orders are explicitly expressed in an energy model. Several K kinds of perceptual binding emerge as global solutions of this energy model. A general theory for perceptual organization including visual position and orientation orders, can be used to consider the other clues for perceptual organization, such as closeness, similarity, symmetry and so on. This theory provides a general approach to visual representation and learning.
