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刘剑函1, 梁德群1, 王红光1, 田原1(西安交通大学图象处理与识别研究所,西安 710049)

摘 要
A Fast Algorithm of Snake with the Shape Factor


The active contour model, as known as‘Snake’,is often used when one wanted to get a precise contour of an object in image processing field. The Snake algorithms known before often converge to a wrong result because they have not used the whole shape factor in the procedure of finding“minimum energy position”. This problem becomes more serious in some fast algorithms (these fast algorithms were usually obtained by decreasing the relation of Snake points). In this paper, a new active contour model based on a typical fast algorithm of Snake is proposed. Because the new algorithm considers the whole shape factor, the relationship among the Snake points is stronger than before and the reliability of computing result is improved. The effectiveness of the new algorithm is confirmed by the experiment in the end of this paper.
