Current Issue Cover

王绍源1, 王耀南1(湖南大学电气工程系,长沙 410082)

摘 要
在Jacquin分块分形图象压缩方法的基础上,提出了一种基于矢量失真测度的自适应四叉树分割彩色图象分形压缩方法。该方法充分利用RGB彩色空间24位真彩图象的三彩色分量间相关性,实验表明该方法比分别对三彩色分量使用分块分形压缩方法在 重构图象质量方面有很大的改善。
Fractal Color Image Compression Based on Vector Distortion Measure and Adaptive Quadtree Partition


In this paper,based on the method of block coding fractal image compression proposed by Jacquin, a new fractal color image compression method based on Vector Distortion Measure and Adaptive Quadtree Partiton is presented.This method fully exploits the correlation between the three color components of 24 bits true color image in RGB color space,experiments show that both compression ratio and reconstructed image quality are much better than that of separate fractal coding in RGB color images.
