Current Issue Cover

汪亚明1, 楼正国1, 卞 昕1, 汪元美1(浙江大学生命科学与医学工程学系,杭州 310027)

摘 要
A New Correspondence Approach for Feature Points inNon-Rigid Image Sequences


In this paper, a new approach for feature points correspondence in non-rigid image sequences is proposed. First of all, according to the very short time interval between consecutive frames in image sequences, the paper points out that the motion of feature points is smooth, and a cost function that describes the smooth degree of motion feature points is presented. Then the object tracking technique is introduced into the tracking of feature points, using two 1D Kalman filter to track the two coordinates of feature points. In the process of feature points correspondence between the two consecutive frames, the distance between the predicted position of feature points and the position of feature points in the next image frame, and the cost function of feature points are used to correctly judge the extension of every motion trajectory. The occlusion problem can be solved by the position prediction in the process of the tracking of feature points. Results show the approach can establish correct correspondence of feature points and can solve the problem of occlusion.
