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史 舟1, 吴宏海1, 王人潮1(浙江大学浙江省农业遥感与信息技术重点研究实验室,杭州 310029)

摘 要
Application of Spatial Analysis and Optimal-Tree Cluster in Agricultural Division


Because of the existence of regional variability in natural and economical condition in agricultural production, proper agricultural division is essential that different developing strategy can be adopted for every zone. However, establishment of agricultural division requires large, unwiedly geographical-referenced data sets and spatial adjacency relationship, it is difficult to utilize many cenventional mathematical methods. In the study, Geographical Information System was used to manipulate and analysis spatial data, Optimal-tree Cluster was adopted for division. This integrated methodology was programmed as applied model and embedded in Soil Information System, case on Longyou county, Zhejiang province. Advantage of this integrated methodology is easily and quickly with low cost, compared to agricultural division by local bureau. Furthermore, the result is also suitable for the practical situation.
