Current Issue Cover

张 红1, 王 超1, 刘智1(中国科学院遥感应用研究所,北京 100101)

摘 要
The Differential Radar Interferometry Technique to Achieve Coseismic Displacement Field of the Zhangbei Earthquake


It is possible to map a coseismic displacement field resulting from a major earthquake by differential SAR intereferometry and to achieve results comparable in magnitude to those obtained by conventional field survey techniques. Here we use differential SAR interferometry to capture the movements produced by the 1998 earthquake (Ms=6.2) in Zhangbei, Hebei province. Three interferograms constructed from ESR-1/2 SAR data were used to analyze the earthquake mechanism by three-pass method. The differential interferogram reveals fine geometrical features and seismic fault. Since we require only remotely sensed satellite data with no additional requirements for ancillary information, the technique is well suited for wide range seismic monitoring and analysis.
