Current Issue Cover

吴世法1, 简国树1, 潘 石1(大连理工大学物理系,大连 116023)

摘 要
The Present Situation of Near-Field Optical Microscopy with Nanometer Resolution


The present situation of Near-field Optical Microscopy (NFOM) is introduced. There are three main kinds in NFOM: a small aperture scanning near-field optical microscope(A-SNOM), apertures tip scattering scanning near-field optical microscope (S-SNOM) and photon scanning tunneling microscope (PSTM). According to the beam transmitted or reflected from sample, A-SNOM and S-SNOM are classified into A-SNOM(T) or A-SNOM(R), and S-SNOM(T) or S-SNOM(R) except PSTM (only Transmitted). The simple imaging principles and specialities of them are presented and compared. The progress of PSTM in our research group are presented. The simulation and experimentation of the false image eliminated PSTM are completed. The FWHM of the line-spread function of 2.8nm in our experiment have been obtained at the first. The keys of super-resolution of NFOM are concluded at last.
