Current Issue Cover

王荣本1, 徐友春1, 李庆东1, 纪寿文1(吉林工业大学交通学院,长春 130025)

摘 要
A Study on Cross Road Recognizing for Vision-Based Auto-Guided Vehicle System


A vision-based auto-guided vehicle system (AGVS) is introduced in the paper. Compares to the traditional cable guided vehicle, vision-based vehicle can adapt better to modern FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System). A white line marker-detecting algorithm, in which the maximum square error method is used to calculate the white line marker gray level threshold, is introduced in the paper. The vision system of the AGVS used in the paper gives deformation in the white line image, so it needs to rectify the white line image deformation before we get correct information about the white line from the image. An algorithm is proposed for this purpose. On the crossroad, the line is numbered to differentiate the different roads. Image templates matching method is used to recognize the different numbers, which represent the different roads at the crossroad. Then AGVS can use the road numbers to decide which road the car should go along.
