Current Issue Cover

梁德群1, 袁小川2, 杨海军3(1.大连海事大学信息工程学院,大连 116026;2.美国纽约州立大学;3.西安交通大学图象处理与识别研究所,西安 710049)

摘 要
3-D Information Detection of Weld Seam Facts inX-Ray Image Based on Knowledge


A method of 3-D information detection of weld seam facts based on X-ray image has been developed. There are problems in the fact detection on the X-ray 2-D projection of weld seam, which the cracks along the projection direction and the concave holes on the surface of weld seam may be recognized as the air holes and the thin area facts(the cracks and nonpenetrate solder) may not be detected. The problems can be avoided in the method of 3-D information detection. The paper discusses the imaging approaches and the light models. An iterative algorithm of 3-D information detection of the facts has been constructed. This algorithm has been simplified greatly by parameterization of the fact models using the form knowledge about the facts.
