Current Issue Cover

何树荣1, 肖宗扬1, 何 壮1(清华大学精密测量技术与仪器国家重点实验室,北京 100084)

摘 要
The Visual Effect Quality Control During the Digital Film Making Process


This article presents problems coming out with the aspect of visual effect quality control of the digital film making process. The various factors contributing to effects of visual quality during image reproduction from analog to digital and from digital to analog are analyzed and the practical methods and instruments to measure them are introduced. To construct an effective model for comparing the visual effect quality of images recorded or represented on different media such as film, videotape, hard disk and monitor, we separate a series of functions, which reflect the abilities and characters in image reproducing of different devices. Those non-linear functions are identified as curves that can not been converted into simple formulas precisely. Referring to the Color Profile System used in desktop press industry, we adopt lookup tables for each function and device. Those lookup tables represent the characters of each device and the cross-influence are calculated by software. Based on the studies of those lookup tables, we developed a visual effect management system for digital film making studio, which combines the device calibration, system adjustment and image quality measurement together to parallel the digital film making procedure.
