Current Issue Cover

唐文武1, 施晓东1, 朱大奎1(南京大学海岸与海岛开发国家试点实验室海洋地理信息系统室,南京 210093)

摘 要
The Calculation of the Shortest Path Using Modified Dijkstra Algorithm in GIS


In GIS it is necessary to optimize the analysis function of the shortest path as the hinge of spatial network analysis, which includes shortest path analysis, resource allocation and isochrone, and so on. Here derived from the traditional calculating method, i.e. Dijkstra algorithm, the analysis procedure of the shortest path is improved by adopting the data structure of binary heap to complete the operation of priority queue. Initialization, Extraction, and Relzxztion. The topological structure of geographical network data and the detailed implementing steps of the shortest path are also discussed. Furthermore, the visualizing calculation of the shortest path is completed by COM(Component Object Model) techniques, and the calculating procedure is encapsulated into the component of the geographic network class. The complexity analysis and the case of this algorithm showes that the modified algorithm is applicable to improve the efficiency of spatial analysis of the net system.
