Current Issue Cover

陈振羽1, 李德华1, 周焰1, 王祖喜1(图象信息处理与智能控制国家教委开放实验室,华中理工大学图象识别与人工智能研究所,武汉 430074)

摘 要
Occluded Objects Recognition Using Multiple Features and Hopfield Neural Network


In this paper, we propose a new approach to recognize occluded objects. The information of the magnitude of the local extreme of the open angles in the contour of a model(occluded image) at a scale, the information of the distance and relative location between the two adjacent dominant points are suitably integrated as a set of features for describing a model(occluded image), the features are invariant under rotation, uniform scaling, and translation of the curve. The magnitude of opened angle at a pointpiin the contour can be easily calculated by the law of cosines, and its local extreme correspond to the sharper changes of the contour of the mode (scene). The feature matching is to define the correspondence between the model features and the scene features. Each correspondence between a model feature and a scene feature constitutes a“feature correspondence pair”, they are mapped onto the Hopfield neural network that is used to perform global feature matching. The proposed approach has been implemented on PⅡpersonal computer in Matlab5.2 programming language and examples are presented. The experimental results show that our proposed method can efficiently recognize an object from an image of occluded objects, and be implemented easily.
