Current Issue Cover

孙九爱1, 吕东辉2, 宋安平2, 庄天戈1(1.上海交通大学生物医学工程系,上海 200030;2.上海大学,上海 200072)

摘 要
A Survey of Sensor Planning in Computer Vision


In photogrammetry and object recognition, it's necessary to introduce the sensor planning strategies to improve the measurement accuracy. Sensor planning is a new research area in computer vision. Planning the parameters of camera and illumination purposefully can make task be performed effectively. In this paper some affecting factors which are essential to sensor planning are analyzed firstly. They are the parameters of camera and illumination, constrain of feature detectability, the models of sensor and object. After some specific sensor planning systems were summarized, the sensor planning systems are classified based on the methods they used, the goals, the number of sensors and a prior information. Then the problem of sensor planning is concluded to the optimization process which can be done in high dimensional space composed of the parameters of camera,lens, illumination and object models. Finally we show some possible developing directions , namely single camera system in active machine vision,multi camera network design solution, new optimization and combinatorial search method, rebuilding the uncertainty of characters and multi sensor data fusion.
