摘 要
An Image Deformation Algorithm Based on Triangle Skeleton Coordiante
() Abstract
In order to realize digital image deformation in an irregular polygon area rapidly, an image deformation algorithm is presented, which is based on triangle skeleton coordinate. First, any irregular polygon image area can be divided to a few of triangle areas. Then, according to skeleton coordinate system of triangle shell, skeleton coordinate can be calculated for any pixel in every triangle area. Because any change of a triangle shell will cause particular image deformation inside it, the change of a triangle shell can be designed intentionally to control image deformation inside it. Using skeleton coordinate system, a formula is proposed which can be used to compute any variation of a pixel's coordinate when a triangle shell is changed. Based on the formula, a corresponding relation of color is established between a new pixel after triangle shell change and original image pixels. Using the image deformation algorithm in an irregular polygon area, some image deformation problems such as motion simulation can be solved.