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常歌1,2,3, 钱曾波1, 黄叶2,3(1.郑州测绘学院,郑州 450052;2.浙江大学CAD&CG国家实验室,杭州 310017 [2]郑州测绘学院,郑州450052;3.浙江大学CAD&)

摘 要
为了在2D GIS基础上实现城市建筑物的3D显示,提出了一种建立建筑物3D模型的方法,该方法首先采用最大包围盒法将建筑物3D模型与2.5D DEM集成在一起,然后采用了Meier关系数据结构的表示城区建筑物几何模型中的拓扑信息和属性信息,并通过VRML浏览器业实现城市景观的交互显示,从而实现了利用常规2D GIS数据建立建筑物3D景观虚拟模型,实验结果表明,该方法能在VRML浏览器中以各种视角,在各个位置和按各种缩放比例,对建筑物模型进行动态观察,并在计算机屏幕上实现立体显示,根据实验结果和分析可见,随着2D GIS的发展成熟,利用常规2D GIS数据来建立建筑物3D景观模型的条件已经具备。
3D Building Modeling in City Area


The traditional two dimensions express method of geographic information system can't meet the need of people, especially for city planer. The 3D building models can recover city construction environment, and finish querying, measuring, cruising et al jobs. It is signify in city geography information system. VRML technology can building dynamic, reality, senseful virtual environment and it don't limit to the bound of field, is an efficient tool for analysis city scene. In this paper we use maximum bound box method to merge 3D building model and 2 5D DEM at first, then use Meier relate data structural to represent topology and semantic information in geometry model and realized dynamic display through the VRML browser to finish the job of using regular 2D GIS data to construct 3D building virtual reality model. The last experiment results show that our method can dynamic display 3D building model at different viewpoint?scale and view angle in VRML browser and realized stereoscopic viewing on the computer screen. Based on experiment and analyzing, we can draw the conclusion that the condition of building 3D building model is provided with the mature development of 2D GIS.
