Current Issue Cover

姜骊黎1, 史册1, 姚庆栋1(浙江大学信电系智能所,杭州 310027)

摘 要
A Kind of Expert System Tool Language for Image Understanding


The aim of this research is to realize multiple knowledge sources cooperation of problem solving in real time image processing system under parallel environment. This paper introduces a kind of expert system tool language for image understanding, V language (ver 3). The discussion of V.3 is concentrated on its knowledge representation, inference mode and control mechanism. In V.3, knowledge source is consisted of frames of typical object in image understanding, and is controlled by layered blackboard. The inference mode is mixture. Apart from these, several new ideas are also introduced. The object oriented frames present both the static knowledge (about the object) and the dynamic knowledge (methods/procedures using for image processing) at the same time. The post office may record and transmit messages between frames. Blackboard, served as control mechanism, is layered according to knowledge sources. At the end of this paper, an example, the recognition of bridge over water is discussed in detail.
