Current Issue Cover

龚建华1, 林珲1(中国科学院/香港中文大学地理信息科学联合实验室,香港)

摘 要
Study on Distributed Virtual Geo-Environments


Distributed virtual environments are the integration of virtual environments and network. Distributed virtual geo-environments(Geo-DVE) are virtual environments for studying geo-phenomena and geo-process. This paper discusses the concept and characteristics of Geo-DVE, and the relationship between GIS and Geo-DVE. The system design of Geo-DVE is addressed in terms of system architecture, data model, system interface, and programming tools. The paper eventually presents the hot research topics and frontiers regarding Geo-DVE from three aspects of theory, techniques, and applications. In terms of system architecture, data model, system interface, and programming tools. The paper eventually presents the hot research topics and frontiers regarding Geo-DVE from three aspects of theory, techniques, and applications. In terms of aspect of theory, the research challenge and frontiers include the relationship between virtual environments and physical geographic environments, geo-spatial and temporal cognition in virtual environments, 3-D data model of virtual environments. In terms of aspect of techniques, rapid dynamic 3-D modeling, real-time communication and interaction, shared space and operation for multi-users, geo-process models based virtual environments, distributed collaborative work and group decision making support, and wearable mixed reality are included. In terms of aspect of applications, the building and development of further practical functions of 3-D digital cities and 3-D digital communities, visual data mining and knowledge discovery, virtual tourism, virtual battlefield, and virtual decision support environments for regional sustainable development should be highlighted.
