Current Issue Cover

郑丽颖1, 田凯1, 王科俊1(哈尔滨工程大学自动化学院,哈尔滨 150001)

摘 要
The Method of Texture Image Generation Based on Chaotic Mapping


After sudying the method of generating texture image based on BP neural networks in, an improved method based on Logistic mapping and multi-layer forward neural networks is proposed. With the aid of using Logistic mapping, the parameters of multi-layer forward neural networks are adjusted by the new method. That is, using Logistic mapping generat for generating a set of chaotic variables, and each chaotic variable corresponding to a parameter of neural networks which need to be adjusted. Since Logistic mapping has the characteristic of chaos, which make the multi-layer forward neural networks defrent parameters, the defects of BP algorithm which lead the neural networks to converging is overcome. The method based on chaotic mapping not only ratain the virtue of the method in but also improved the original method. The improved method need not calculate the error of neural networks, so not only the operation proceeding is simple but also more texture images is able to be generated. Simulations show that the improved method is simpler and more efficiency the original method in .
