Current Issue Cover

郭丽1, 孙兴华2, 黄媛媛1, 杨静宇1(1.南京理工大学计算机系,南京 210094;2.清华大学计算机系人机交互与媒体集成研究所,北京 100084)

摘 要
Distance Distribution Histogram and its Application in Trademark Image Retrieval


Shape feature is a very important feature used to depict image, it is difficult to describe shape. This paper proposes "distance distribution histogram", a region-based shape feature which uses the dimensional distribution information of pixels in binary image to describe the image shape. The basic idea is to get shape feature by calculating the distribution of pixels in different distance regions. In the method, the selection of datum mark and the partition of distance region are two important parts to assure that the feature can have good invariant performance under some rigid transformation. After the distance distribution histograms have been calculated for different images, Quadratic-form distance is then used to compare the similarity of the images. The experiments have been done in a database consisting of 3000 binary trademark images, the results show that this shape feature can depict the image well, and it has very excellent invariant performance under translation, scale and rotation. When the feature is used for binary trademark image retrieval, it is obvious that the retrieval results fit with human's visual perception well. From the experiments, it can be concluded that the distance distribution histogram feature is really an effective shape feature for binary trademark image retrieval.
