Current Issue Cover

柏森1,2, 张邦礼1, 曹长秀1(1.重庆大学自动化学院,重庆 400044;2.重庆通信学院,重庆 400035)

摘 要
Review of Neural Network for Image Restoration


The problem of restoring degraded images, and blind images especially, arouses many scholars' interest, since the prospects of their applications are wide. Neural network with many inherent merits is attached importance by researcher in all fields. Its application on images processing comes in for great attention. The development trend is transiting from semi blind image restoration to blind images restoration. Firstly, this paper provides simply a background for reader regarding the subject of image restoration. Understanding the fundamental theory, methods and concepts, and the current state of the art in the field of image restoration is vitally important to the understanding of the image restoration using neural network. Secondly, this paper presents a short description on image restoration using neural network and its mathematical model. Finally, we give mostly an overview of neural network for image restoration; including the background, current algorithm, applications and research topics, in the effort to motivate the research works on this field in our country.
