Current Issue Cover

刘亚彬1, 刘大有1, 王金鹤2(1.吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院符号计算与知识工程教育部重点实验室,长春 130023;2.青岛海信集团公司,青岛 266071)

摘 要
Reasoning of Spatial Relation Between Curves by Neural Network


In the field of synthetic information forecast for mineral product, extremum lines (curves) of the first order differential coefficient of aeromagnetic and gravitational maps reflect the ruptures of magnetism and the densities of geologic bodies respectively. In order to deduce the rupture conformation, the similarities of attitude and size of geologic bodies in different deepness, curves of aeromagnetic and gravitational maps in different deepness and directions must be compared; only those ruptures of reflection with similar curves are reliable. In order to deduce and analyze the situation automatically, in this paper, we first introduced the conventional estimation approach of spatial relation between curves. Later on, we also described the Neural Networks approach of reasoning of spatial relation between curves. The result indicate that these estimations of spatial relations between curves obtained by the Neural Networks approaches matched perfectly with the estimations of authoritative geological experts, and achieved triumphs in practical applications.
