Current Issue Cover

侯振刚1, 聂志明2, 冯海兰1, 戴国忠2, 李国珍1(1.北京大学口腔医学院修复科,北京 100081;2.中国科学院软件研究所,北京 100080)

摘 要
20世纪90年代以来,虽然下颌运动轨迹的研究热点和难点已向髁突运动中心研究发展;然而目前,国际及国内尚未有商品化的髁突运动中心运动轨迹描记仪,国内也未见有关髁突运动中心运动轨迹研究成果的报道,为了获得下颌上任一点(包括髁突运动中心)的三维运动轨迹,以便为医学研究提供手段。首先利用计算机图形学技术和已有的三维六自由度下颌运动轨迹描记仪(MT1602)来获得下颌运动轨迹的原始数据,然后根据刚体运动规律,进行软件编程,自行设计并建立了一个髁突运动中心运动轨迹显示分析系统,该系统是用Microsoft Visual C^ 6.0髁突编写计算机程序自行开发的,可根据需要随时对系统软件进行功能补充和修改,整个系统有较强的可维护性和可升级性,实践表明,该系统可方便地获得地下颌上任一点(包括髁突运动中心)的三维运动轨迹,是一个实用的下颌髁突运动中心轨迹测量分析系统。
Developing of Condylar Traces of Kinematic Center Recording System


Since condylar movement includes both translatory and rotatory components, each condylar reference point moves in different path. Therefore, the choice of condylar reference point is important for the interpretation of condylar movement traces. Kinematic center was originally suggested by Kohno. It's like a translating rotational center of the condyle disk complex in condylar movements. Its movement traces are mainly determined by the contour of the articular eminence, and independent of additional rotatory component of condylar movements. To date, commercial comdylar traces of kinematic center recording system if not available in market. There are rare explorations in this field. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop condylar traces of kinematic center recording system. A condylar movement traces of kinematic center recording system has been developed with the combinations of computer graphic, mathematics and oral physiology. The movement traces of any point on the mandible can be reconstructed by this system. Furthmore, the kinematic center of condylar can be located and its traces can be analyzed by this system.
