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吴信才1, 郭玲玲2, 李俊1(1.中国地质大学(武汉)信息工程学院,武汉 430074;2.北京大学数字地球工作室,北京 100871)

摘 要
Mass Image Database Management and Web Publishing Based on RDBMS and COM


As a system for collecting, storing, analyzing, processing and managing geography spatial data, GIS's spatial data are mainly composed of vector data and grid data. The existing GIS systems are mostly based on vector data and have a great ability to establish and manage vector database. But they have poor ability to process grid data, especially to organize, schedule, store and manage mass grid data, without mentioning the ability to manage and integrate the multi source, multi scale and multi phase image data. This paper does a deep research and a thorough discussion of mass image database and its realization and application. The paper mainly discusses the research background, system organization and implementation of mass image database(IMIDB) based on relational database system(RDBMS) and component object model(COM). It focuses on the logical design(including the selection of Database, the organization and the storage of remote sensing data); Web publishing architecture of remote sensing images in IMIDB and the application of its Component Object Model. Finally, a test of this system is done and the result of the test is given. From the result, we give a conclusion that the system has reached the aim of the design.
