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周杨1, 徐青1,2, 谭兵1, 李辉1(1.信息工程大学测绘学院遥感与信息工程系,郑州 450052;2.浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310028)

摘 要
The Application of Image Fusion in 3D Terrain Simulation


In the same zone, the remotely sensed datas of different sensor and different time have different space resolution,spectrum resolution and temporal resolution. Synthesizing their respective advantages, we can fetch up the scarcity of single image's information and extend its application field. In order to apply remote sensing image in terrain simulation, we must get the remote sensing image with high space resolution and high spectrum resolution. In this paper, we use the TM image, IKONOS image and same zone's DEM to make three demention terrain map. In order to keep the TM image's spectrum information and import the geometry character of IKONOS to fetch up the disadvantage of TM and IKONOS,we first use the polynomial method to geometry registration the IKONOS image and TM image,then we use the fusion algorithm base on HIS transformation fuse the TM image and IKONOS image. Experiment results show that we can get 1 meter image resolution's color image by fusing the 1 meter image resolution's panchromatic IKONOS image and 30 meter image resolution's color TM image. Finally,We apply the fusion result in the terrain simulation by merging the fusion's image with same zone's DEM to create high three demention terrain map.
