Current Issue Cover

周文生1(石油大学地球资源与信息学院,山东东营 257062)

摘 要
万维网地理信息系统(WebGIS)是Internet和万维网(WWW)技术与地理信息系统(GIS)相结合的产物,它的出现,使在全球范围内实现地理信息资源的网上发布与共享成为可能,并对国民经济的发展和人们的日常生活产生了十分重要的影响,该文分析了目前WebGIS中所存在的问题,介绍了由W3C组织推荐的Internet上描述二维图形的标准文件格式SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)的有关情况,并根据SVG所具有的特性,提出了基于SVG构建网络地理信息系统的思路,还着重介绍了将空间几何数据和属性数据编码成SVG文档的方法,同时也给出了基于SVG建立WebGIS的体系结构方案,并对客户端利用SVG插件来实现GIS功能的方法进行了研究,通过对试验系统的开发表明,该基于SVG构建WebGIS的思路是可行和有效的,相信在不仅的将来,随着SVG在WebGIS中研究的不断深入,SVG在地理空间数据的发布和共享中将发挥越来越大的作用。
Research of WebGIS Based on SVG


World Wide Web Geographical Information System(WebGIS) is the combination of Internet/Web technologies and Geographical Information System,it makes the web publishing and sharing of geospatial information in the whole world possible and has bought great influence to the national economical development and our everyday life. The paper first analyses the problem existed in WebGIS, and then introduces the Scalable Vector Graphics,in short SVG, which is a standard of file format for describing 2D graphics on Internet, recommended by W3C. Considering the trait of SVG, the thought for constructing WebGIS based on SVG is presented, and then the method of coding the geospatial data and attribute data with SVG is gived, the system architecture of WebGIS based on SVG is described, the method in developing GIS's function using Adobe's SVGViewer 2 0 plug-in in client side is also discussed. The thought gived in this paper is proved feasible and effective with an experiment system. The author believe that with more research on WebGIS based on SVG,SVG will play greater role in publishing geospatial information, futhermore, the geospatial information web sharing will become easier.
