Current Issue Cover

彭小波1, 陈立平1, 周济2(1.华中科技大学国家CAD支撑软件工程研究中心,武汉 43007;2.华中科技大学国家CAD支撑软件工程研究中心,武汉 430074)

摘 要
Solving Under-constrained Geometric System by Homotopy Method


When a geometric constraint system can not be fully decomposed, numerical solving methods are used, in which Newton-Raphson iteration method is the most popular. However, Newton-Raphson iteration method is not stable. To improve the stability of numerical geometric constraint solving, an homotopy method, named under constrained homotopy, is advanced in the paper especially for under-constrained geometric system. It can be combined with the decomposition of geometric constraint system and can be used together with other solving methods easily, and thus helps to the solving ability of geometric constraint solver. Some key problems of under constrained homotopy, such as construction of the homotopy function, homotopy path tracing and singularity analysis of homotopy path, are discussed in the paper. A pure homotopy method for under-constrained geometric systems is not very effective. To solve this problem, a hybrid Newton-Homotopy method is proposed. It makes use of both the fastness of Newton-Raphson iteration method and the stability of homotopy method and thus improves both the ability and the efficiency of the geometric constraint solver.
