Current Issue Cover

杜金莲1, 杜薇1, 迟忠先1(大连理工大学计算机系,大连 116024)

摘 要
Vision-based Generating Rule for Real-time Multi-resolution Model


There are two mainly error rules for the generation of multi-resolution model of terrain, one is screen space error, the other is terrain roughness, however, both of them are liable to reduce the area near or not very far from the viewer, because they discard 2 of 3 dimensions of a vertex. In this paper, first, a rule named remaining energy is proposed which is suitable for reducing the area far or very far from the viewer, the principium of the rule is that the light eradiated from surface will attenuate during its transmission, so the light energy eradiate from the surfaces far from the viewer will become too faintness to attract the viewer's attention, thus the surfaces far from the viewer can be emerged into larger surface, then the rule based on vision principle is formed by combining remaining energy rule and terrain roughness, in the end, an algorithm and its implementation based on quadtree for generating terrain multi-resolution model under the vision-dependent rule is described in detail, the algorithm can simplify the terrain effectively and is proven to be very valid for the reduction of large scale terrain at the same time.
