Current Issue Cover

王进1, 张灿1, 涂国防1(中国科学院研究生院信息科学与工程学院,北京 100039)

摘 要
Adaptive Intra Update for Packet Loss Resilience


Because of buffer overflow or delay timeout, packet loss is very common in current internet data transmission. The situation is even worse for real time internet video communications. Due to the prediction property of most state of the art video coding methods, data loss in a single frame can also deteriorate several successive frames. Intra update is well known as an effective method to reduce this error propagation. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive intra update method. Taking decoder error concealment into account, the distortion at the decoder can be precisely estimated at the encoder by using the Recursive Optimal Per-pixel Estimate (ROPE). Then, image regions with maximum distortion are intra updated. Thus the damaged image regions at the decoder can be recovered in time. Simulation results demonstrate that our method achieves substantial and consistent gains in PSNR(0. 3~2. 5dB) over the non-adaptive methods such as raster-order intra update and random intra update for different video coding rates and packet loss rates. The complexity of this method is also modest, and it can be easily incorporated into current video communication system while maintaining compatibility.
