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李学明1, 李继1(北京邮电大学信息工程学院,北京 100876)

摘 要
H.2 6 L 是新一代的视频编码标准.同现有的视频编码标准相比,新标准具有更高的编码效率和图象质量,在容错能力和网络适应性方面也有新的特点.采用 Bjntegaard提出的性能评估方法比较了 H.2 6 L 和 H.2 6 3的编码性能差异 ;在此基础上,用标准图象序列对 H.2 6 L 独有的几种编码技术进行了仿真,定量分析了它们对提高编码性能的贡献,这对算法的进一步改进和优化具有很高的参考价值.
Performance Analysis of H.26L Video Coding Algorithm


H.26L is the next generation of video coding standard, it aims at higher coding efficiency and is developed by ITU-T and MPEG as a long-term standard. Some complicated techniques, such as spatial prediction in intra coding, integer cosine transformation (ICT), adaptive block size motion compensation, Adaptive Motion Accuracy (AMA), multiple reference frame prediction, universal variable length coding and content adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC), these coding modes all use the H.26L standard. In order to estimate each method' s contributes to the performance, detailed simulation and analysis are provided in this paper. Simulation results show that CABAC can provide a fairly consistent improvement in coding efficiency of between 5% and 10%. How much coding gains that can be achieved by using multiple reference frame prediction highly depend on source content. As for the benefit of eighth-pixel motion estimation accuracy, we find it is only beneficial at high resolutions and high bit rates, and also contain high spatial detail. Finally, the use of different block sizes also provides a consistent improvement, averaging 16% bit savings if all block types are used versus using the 16×16 mode only. However, using 8×8 and larger blocks can capture most of the benefit of the different block sizes, although the smaller blocks become more beneficial as the bit rate is increased. These results will help people to perform further improvements and optimization to the algorithm.
