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王建永1, 郭成安1(大连理工大学电子与信息工程学院,大连 116023)

摘 要
An Elimination Algorithm of False Features for Fingerprints Based on Local Structural Information


In AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System), the gray fingerprint image is transformed into a thinned binary image in which there are a mass of false features that will affect the follow-up classification and verification and reduce the identification rate of the system. In this paper, a new fast ridge tracing algorithm, 8-neighbour coding ridge tracing, is proposed firstly. Then a post-processing algorithm is presented for eliminating the false features based on local structural information and the attributes of the features that are obtained by the tracking algorithm. Pseudo-structures in fingerprints, such as short lines, break ridges, spurs, forks, isolated islands, bridges, interlinked islands and triangles, can be identified and eliminated by the approach. The validity of the method is confirmed by experiments conducted in the paper.
