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张文江1, 陈秀万1, 李京1, 李小娟2, 吴欢1(1.北京大学遥感与GIS研究所,北京 100871;2.首都师范大学地理系,北京 100037)

摘 要
已有的研究表明,空间分析功能是 GIS区别于其他系统的本质特征之一,然而当前大多数的 GIS都没有空间模型库,这在一定程度上制约了 GIS空间分析能力的实现,而对于 GIS中相同或相似的空间分析功能,在许多应用系统中则又分别进行了重复或二次开发.这样的重复工作,显然是对人力物力资源的浪费.通过引入软件工程的 COM组件技术,在研究空间模型库构建的基础上,设计了空间模型组件库的总体框架,探讨了空间模型组件的实现技术.研究表明,基于 COM组件技术的空间模型组件库,在增强 GIS组件复用性的同时,也有助于 GIS的空间分析功能的实现.
The Study on GIS Spatial Model Base Using COM Technology


One important advantage of Geographical Information System (GIS) is its spatial analyses. According to researches and applications, the best way to implement the spatial analyses is to use the tool of model. However, many GIS systems lack spatial model base in different degrees, which in a sense constrains the spatial analysis ability of GIS. But different from common models, the spatial models must cope with and operate complex spatial data that bring many specific difficulties. So the development of spatial model is very slow compared with that of GIS applications and the related requirements. Introducing the COM technology, this paper studies the reusable spatial model base that is independent to specific applications. Then, based on the study a model base frame is advanced and its implementation is discussed. Our study shows that introduction of COM technology into GIS spatial model base, not only can enhance the reusability of GIS software, but also can help the realization of GIS spatial analyses. Because of the complexity brought by the spatial data, more issues remain to be further studied.
