Current Issue Cover

程兵1, 郑南宁1(西安交通大学人工智能与机器人研究所,西安 710049)

摘 要
提出了一种从光照变化的序列图象中拼接全景图的方法.该方法首先将待拼接图象的重叠部分分解成水平集表示,并且定义一个形态学距离用于测量水平集之间的相似度,然后根据这个形态学距离,对其中一幅图象的每一个水平集都在另一幅图象的水平集中找到对应,从而得到一个单调转换函数,用于表示两幅待拼接图象水平集之间的映射,用这个转换函数调整其中一幅图象的对比度与另一幅图象相对应 ;最后,用基于灰度匹配的方法将两幅图象拼接,图象两两拼接后经全局误差校正即可得到一幅正确拼接的全景图.该方法可以广泛应用于基于图象的绘制、图象处理等领域
Ambient Light Independent Panorama Mosaics


This paper presents a novel method for constructing a panorama from sequences of images with light changing. First, the two images, which will be composited, are decomposed into level sets. A morphological distance is defined here to match the level sets in the overlapping parts of the images. Each level set in a part is matched with the level sets in another part, so the difference in contrast is found and a transform function is obtained. The contrast of an image is adjusted to fit the contrast of the other image using the transform function and then the two images are stitched together by minimizing the intensity error between two images. Every two images are composited together using the same way and a global alignment is implemented to eliminate the visible gap or overlap between the first and last images in a sequence. This work has relaxed the constraint, which needs the same ambient light conditions for all images in the sequence, in traditional panorama mosaic and has a wide variety of applications. Finally, the performance of our method is demonstrated with an experiment.
