Current Issue Cover

谭明金1(解放军理工大学工程兵工程学院计算机室,南京 210007)

摘 要
首先基于边界上当前像素与前后两个相邻像素的坐标关系,定义并构造出边界像素与连通闭区域内,某些像素之间的联系,然后通过枚举各边界像素类型及其特点分析,提出了一种用于判定,并找出区域内与当前边界像素具有这种联系的像素系列,进而遍历出任意连通闭区域 (像素边界线可为任意复杂曲线的单连通或者复连通闭区域 )的像素遍历算法.该算法在适应性及时间与空间性能等许多方面均很好地满足了诸如任意连通闭区域的填充和点在各种复杂区域的判定与跟踪等方面的应用需要,同时,它对闭区域像素的描述方法也为开展如何更有效地表示闭区域的研究提供了一种有益的参考.
An Algorithm for Ransacking Region Connection Based on Three Borderling Pixels


Based on the coordinate relationship between the current borderline pixel and its two lockstep borderline pixels, a certain connection by which some pixels on the region connect with the current borderline pixel is defined and constructed here. On the basis of enumerating all the types of the borderline pixels and analyzing their features, an algorithm that ransacks any close region connection by deciding and finding out those pixels in the region corresponding to the current borderline one with that connection, is concluded. Any close region connection means that the close region connection can be either single connectivity one or complexity connectivity one with any borderline pixel curves. That is, the algorithm can deal with almost all close regions in a consistent way. So it has good applicability. Secondly, it gets higher performances in both time and space due to its particular judging rules, retrieving processes and data describing method. Additionally, the operations mainly converge on the integral comparison operation, and the algorithm is simple. In a word, the algorithm meets the region-concerned needs such as region filling, point domain juding, point domain tracking, and so forth. Simultaneously, due to the region pixels describing method, it presents a helpful use for reference for researching how to describing close region more effectively.
