Current Issue Cover

王会芹1, 庞云阶1(吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院,长春 130012)

摘 要
A Transparence-refracting Algorithm Based on Discrete Points


The modeling of traditional realistic image generating is on the basis of polygon, which has some deficiency. For example, drawing precision depends on the degree of detail and the method of dissecting, quantity of dissecting and crossing computing should be needed during the generating of realistic image, the procedure of sculpt is complicated, and so on. A representing method based on discrete points is proposed in this paper. First we pick out some points on each curved surface in the scene. Then sort and store them. At the same time, a transparence-refracting algorithm is proposed and realized. The key of this approach is defining the checking line segment. Only the points in the sequences that are corresponding to the pixels on the checking line segment may be on the refracting line and the points in other sequences cannot be on the refracting line. Thus a huge of points that need not participate in computing are abandoned and computing quantity is reduced. The experiment results show that the representing method and the transparence-refracting algorithm can reflect the natural transparent phenomena virtually and accurately. At the same time, this new method can eliminate lines or faces easily and manipulate flexibly, it's data-structure and sculpture are simplified to makes the adding, deleting and modifying curve faces easily. In conclusion the method based on discrete points adapts to the complicated scene and cartoon.
