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陈剑赟1, 老松扬1, 吴玲达1(国防科学技术大学多媒体研发中心,长沙 410073)

摘 要
众所周知,文本的摘要是对一篇文章的一个简短的小结.随着对视频数据处理要求的不断提高,出现了类似的概念——视频摘要,同时也产生了视频摘要技术.同文本摘要概念相似,视频摘要是对视频的一个简短的小结.为了使人们对视频摘要有一个概略的了解,该文首先阐述了视频摘要的基本概念,同时简单介绍了视频摘要的应用,并在此基础上对视频摘要进行了分类 ;然后重点介绍了每一类视频摘要的实现技术——关键帧提取技术、多特征融合技术等 ;最后对目前视频摘要技术进行了小结,并展望了若干发展途径.
Video Abstraction


The abstraction of an article is a short summary of a document. With the development of video processing, it comes into a similar concept—Video Abstraction. The idea of video abstraction is in very much the same way as text: a short summary of the content of a longer video document. This paper first explains the basic concepts of video abstraction, introduces the applications of video abstraction and classifies video abstraction into video summary and video skimming. Then it emphasizes on the realization techniques of video abstraction, including keyframe extraction and multi-features fusion etc. At last this paper makes some conclusions about video abstraction and prospects for some approaches to it.
