Current Issue Cover

陈添丁1, 刘济林1, 任志国2(1.浙江大学信息与电子工程系,杭州 310027;2.杭州商学院信电学院,杭州 310035)

摘 要
高效的基于内容的图象检索在许多领域得到了广泛的应用,基于内容的图象检索研究领域已经建立了一些系统,但在实际使用中,这些系统均有如下欠缺 :(1)这些系统均期望以相同的方法来处理各种不同类型的图象检索 ;(2 )这些系统在设计时,均缺乏从使用者的需求出发.实际上,由于不同的检索方式是针对不同类型的图象,为此,提出了一个基于整体区域相似匹配的图象互动式检索系统,该系统是一个基于小波变换的特征提取和图象整体区域相似的、语义分类和互动方法的图象检索系统.与其他检索方法相比较,此方法允许自适应查找和互动,因此可缩小查找范围,以提高检索效率.实验结果表明,该系统比其他一些系统精确和高效
Image Interactive Retrieval Model Based on Integrated Region Similarity


Efficient content based image retrieval has developed tremendously in many application areas. Content based image retrieval research areas had established many systems, but these systems have deficiency for actually usage:(1) these systems are expected to process different kinds of image retrieval by same method and (2) these systems are designed without considering user requirement. In fact, different kinds of image retrieval need different retrieval mode. So it presents image interactive retrieval based on integrated region similarity match. This system is an image retrieval system with interaction and semantic classification of based on wavelet feature extraction and image integrated region similarity method. Compared with other retrieval methods of based on image content, the method enhances retrieval efficiency by permitting adaptive search and interaction and narrowing search area. Experiment result shows that the system is more precise and efficient than other retrieval systems.
