Current Issue Cover

王生生1, 刘大有1, 胡鹤1, 王新颖1(吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院,符号计算与知识工程教育部重点实验室,长春 130012)

摘 要
粗定位模型是一种基于粗集的近似区域表示模型,基于定性空间推理理论对其进行了代数形式化.通过空间关系矩阵和 2 4 9种基本空间关系构造了近似空间关系代数 ASRA;讨论了 ASRA的公理和基本性质,研究了ASRA和 RCC5关系映射中存在的不确定性 ;把 ASRA应用于 GIS,提出了基于 ASRA的空间关系判定算法ASRA- RCC.与同类算法相比,ASRA- RCC能够同时支持确定和近似区域,并且具有较高的效率
Approximate Spatial Relation Algebra ASRA and Application


Uncertainty spatial information representation is a critical problem in qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) and other spatial information process domains. Bittner put forward the rough location method which is better than other uncertainty spatial theories in special circumstance. But his theory wasn't formalized by relation algebra, thus can not be directly applied to spatial database or other spatial information applications. Based on rough set theory, we put forward a relation algebraic formalization for the rough location model and applied it to geographical informational system. Extending the RCC theory of QSR, basic spatial relation is defined by spatial relation matrix. Based on 249 basic relations and the operations on them the approximate spatial relation algebra ASRA is formed. After discussed its character and axiom, we studied the uncertainty of the maping from ASRA to RCC5. Applied it to GIS, a spatial relation judgement algorithm is given. Comparing with similar algorithms, it supports both crisp and approximate regions and is more efficient.
