Current Issue Cover

张尤赛1, 陈福民2(1.同济大学计算中心,上海 200092;2.华东船舶工业学院电子与信息系,江苏镇江 212003)

摘 要
Accelerated Volume Rendering Using Texture Mapping with Phong Shading


An accelerated algorithm of volume rendering with Phong shading based on textures mapping and blending is presented.In the light of phong illumination model an unit spherical surface under the same shading environment as the actual volume rendering is employed to emulate the real reflectional light of per-voxel,and a look一up table of voxels’refleetional lights indexed in their normal N is made,on which the illumination of per-voxel may be quiekly ascertained. Volumetric Data window transform modulated by voxel's gradients is used to compute per一voxel opacitya. The dataset composed of all voxels’illuminations(RGB) and opacitiesais projected from object space in to view space by textures mapping,and is blended from back to front along view direction into ZD image with 3D vision effect.Matrix transform of degree rotation of 3D object is used in observing indifferent viewing directions,and a fast equivalent method of shading eorreetion about it is brought forward to improve its interaction speed in volume rendering proeess.The excel lene eof data proeessings of tware and texture mapping hardware of volume rendering is eolligated in the algorithm.It is experimented by using ZD textures mapping and blending in general personal computers. High quality images may be produced at nearly interactive speeds.The algorithm may be also applieable for volume rendering based on 3D texture mapping.
