Current Issue Cover

禹思敏1, 林清华2, 丘水生3(1.广东工业大学自动化学院,广州 510090;2.广东工业大学应用物理系,广州 510090;3.华南理工大学电子与信息学院,广州 510640)

摘 要
Multi-level Digital Chaos Shift Keying Based on Multi-scroll Chaotic Systems


The main feature of multiple-scroll chaotic attractors is that they exhibit a rich variety of complicated chaotic dynamic phenomena and have many scroll encryption parameters that can be applied to secure communications. Based on the study of their generating mechanism, a novel scheme of multi-level digital chaos shift keying (MDCSK) via multi-scroll chaotic systems is presented. In the transmitter, the slope values of the multiple scroll chaotic attractors are modulated using multi-level digital signals, which generates MDCSK signals. In the receiver, the original multi-level digital signals are recovered according to the principle of drive-response synchronization and coherent demodulation. Compared with chaos shift keying (CSK), MDCSK has an advantage that multi-level digital signals can be encrypted, by using multi-scroll encryption parameters. Results of theoretical analysis and computer simulation are also given, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
