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李建欣1, 朱日宏1, 丁绪星1(南京理工大学电光学院,南京 210094)

摘 要
在许多的图像应用中,基于感兴趣区域(ROI)图像编码技术占有重要地位。在ROI图像编码中,感兴趣区域采用低压缩比以得到较高的图像质量,而背景区域(ROB)则采用高压缩比以达到相对低一点的图像质量。因此,这种技术能很好地解决图像质量和压缩比之间的矛盾。在JPEG2000中已采用了General Scaling Based Method和Maxshift Method的ROI编码技术,但在一些应用中它们仍不能满足要求。为此提出了一种基于多级位平面交错(MBI)的编码算法。该算法具有多ROI编码、ROI-ROB重要性编码等特点,能够满足不同应用场合下的编码要求。
Region of Interest Coding Based on Multi-Bitplane Interleaving


In many image applications, the coding technology based on Region of Interest(ROI) is very important. With ROI coding technology, the interesting region in image obtains better quality than the region of the background(ROB) at a low compression rate, and the ROB obtains a low level quality at a high compression rate. So the technology solves the conflict between the image quality and the compression rate. General scaling based method and maxshift method are used as the ROI coding technologies in JPEG2000, but there are still limitations in some applications. In this paper, a Multi-Bitplane Interleaving(MBI) method is introduced. The method arranges the bitpalne effectively by using ROI parameter and bitplane parameter. The method allows for arbitrarily shaped ROI coding without transmitting any shape information explicitly to the decoder. And it allows for more flexibility to control the image quality of ROI and ROB. ROIs coding is also allowed for. Because of the characters such as ROIs coding, significant coding of ROI and ROB, the MBI method can greatly meet the coding requirement in different applications.
